Pages are different places on the site not the game.

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Cyclopes Lane

Cyclops Lane Map.pngCyclopes Lane is the lane of the myth students. One of the most frustrating things about this place is the monsters. Trolls are easy, Cyclopes are the main attraction and aren’t too bad, and then there’s the miniatures. They are hard hitting  and have fair health. The thing about Cyclopes Lane is that there are few quest but the quest have a ton load of had ons. You do one thing well then you got to somewhere else to finish the same exact quest. These can get very time consuming. Anyways, when you enter there the main street to follow that immediately goes right. You can turn off left or go straight into the Haunted Cave. Left leads you into a main festival area with some tents and a stage where Nolan Stormgate is at. He gives you your main quest for this area. Then there’s the street that carries on from that. It continues straight then turns off to the right leading you to the first boss, Eyus Maximus. Beating him allows you to take the left way all the way to General Akilles. Beating him is how you beat Cyclopes Lane and free the students from him. A quick tip; remember to place teleporting checkpoints at stage where Nolan Stormgate is at, it’ll save you so much time. The map is located at thank for viewing!

Friday, April 20, 2012

Triton Avenue

This is my house, Triton Avenue, the home of storm students. Triton Avenue has been taken over by haunted minions, rotting fodders, screaming banshees (so annoying when they attack), and field guards (pretty much just scarecrows). When you enter, the main area is filled completely with haunted minions. If you follow the path to the left, you’ll find the tower of Sergeant Skullsplitter. If you go right, you’ll find the stairs for the Rocky movies. That’s where Susie Gryphonbane and Duncan Grimwater are located. As you continue down the path the right, there is a large area where those who the passage to go there can fight the KRAKEN! But as you continue you’ll find a man named Blad Raveneye. If you move along, you’ll find the main fighting area where the mixture of monsters are located. Follow that and you’ll end up at the Haunted Cave. That’s where the main boss is located at. Here Harvest Lords are the main monsters used to stop, give quest, or level up students. At the end of the road is the main boss. DUN, DUN, DUN! That’s when you can start battling the Kraken. Thunder students will have trouble, but its practice to fight a monster that’s the same magic as you.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Over 200 page veiws, so for now you can meet me at the commons from now til the 17th so meet in wizard game form. See you there!

Friday, March 30, 2012

Olde Town

Olde Town, I call the “Station” because it has connections to THREE different street areas that you enter through here. When entering Olde Town you’ll find the Bazaar to the right, a nice road leading to the three areas, and to the left A CLIFF hanging over small houses. The Bazaar is from the last post, so to learn about that go to the post and check it out. Also there is an old woman named, Gloria Krendell. She gives you quest to go into Triton Avenue for a journal with her memories. You have to battle Rattlebones for it, he’s located toward the end of Triton Avenue.   
The lower area isn’t has important ( It just has a small quest where this lady ask you get random stuff to make weird things), but as you progress the order on your way down is Cyclopes Lane, Triton Avenue, and last but not least Firecat Alley. Those will be talked about separately. Some towers toward the bottom you can go in to fight bosses (see map for towers). By one tower is a boat that leads to Grizzelheim. That is a place all its own.  Overall Olde Town is a big traveling place for everyone.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Shopping District + Bazaar = Pay Day

The shopping district is not used very often, but when wizard101 first came out it was a big deal. Get it, big deal, because it was a shopping place. Never mind. Any ways, in the shopping district there are shops for everything, from clothes to houses to pets. Now that Bazaar is in wizard101 the only thing I find the shopping district good for is dying clothes and buying house. Others may like the pets in shopping district better, but to me I don’t care for pets. To me the shopping district was good until Bazaar came, now it’s just an optical to go through. Bazaar is an all purpose shop with everything. The reason I go there is school clothes.  Certain clothes can be used by certain schools. There for giving more manna, health, defense, or damage when attacking. Some pets give you a card that is that pet. Others may just be for decoration. Surprising thing is that the Bazaar is a small shop in the Old Town, yet it has so much stuff it wouldn’t be physically possible. Then again it’s in a video game so what can you expect, plus ANYTHING is possible.  Overall the Bazaar is my go to place for stuff and the Shopping District is just an optical. New poll coming out about which is better, vote! Thanks again 
Map WC Shopping District.png

Friday, March 2, 2012

Golem Court

Golem Court is a monster free area and there is not much to do either. But when starting the game, you end up in Golem Court for the tutorial. After learning how to walk and receiving a quest you have to enter the tower in Golem Court. When you enter, you have to fight two of Malistare’s henchmen. After defeating them, you level up and end up in Ambrose’s House located in the Commons. (See previous post for more info. on the Commons.) Further quests will lead you to fight in the Golem Court’s tower to defeat the Iron Golem. He is located at the very top of the tower. You must defeat Haunted Minions and Clockwork Golems to reach the top. The smith is located somewhere behind the tower. The fire wizards cave is located in the back right corner of the court. When you enter Golem Court a mole whose name I can’t find is located to the right you “trains” you how to plant. It’s pretty sidetracking but it gets you free stuff and experience. The schools enlister, whose name I can’t find, can get rid of every spell you might of bought with training points. Overall Golem Court is mainly just for decoration. Thanks again for the picture.
Golem Court.png

Friday, February 24, 2012

The Commons

The Commons is where you first spawn in the game. At the beginning of the game you start in Headmaster Ambrose’s House. That is where you receive your first quest. Next to Ambrose’s house is another wing. Ambrose’s pet owl Gamma is there. She is merely for decoration and has no real use. When exiting his house you find to your right the Shopping District and to the left the rest of the Commons. If you head straight there’s a large pond and a man and a women selling stuff. Their names are Prospector Zeke and Eloise Merryweather. If you keep going straight and over a bridge you’ll find the Library. There is Harold Argleston and Boris Tallstaff. Harold sells treasure cards that can be added separately to your deck. To your left is a walkway leading to Unicorn Way and Rainbow Bridge. Behind the water fall is the death school. Going over Rainbow Bridge and taking a right you’ll find yourself at the Fairgrounds. There you can play plenty of games and when you’re able to use a potion you can refill it. Behind all the tents is one of the smiths. After exiting you’ll find to your left  the passage to Golem Court. Heres the map.
Thank you for the pic.    